Hello, my name is Stevie and I am the Special Collections Librarian at the Saskatoon Public Library. In this role, I help oversee the operation of the Local History Room, The Gallery at the Frances Morrison Central Library, and manage a number of smaller collections including STEAM kits. It is incredibly varied work that I always find fulfilling. My work in the Local History Room in particular is the sort of work I decided I wanted to do when, as a teenager, I had the opportunity to spend a day volunteering at the University of Saskatchewan Archives and Special Collections. I fell in love with archival work and documentary heritage preservation, and that set me on a path that would take me through studies in English and History, obtaining my Masters of Library and Information Studies in Montreal, before I returned to Saskatchewan. Eager to get to work in an archive, I spent several years as an archival assistant back on the U of S campus before making the move to Saskatoon Public Library in 2018.
With the Local History Room and The Gallery both being downtown at the Frances Morrison Central Library, I found myself a newly minted downtown worker. The vibrancy and busyness of it all was a little overwhelming at first – the atmosphere on campus is a bit more staid, unless there is some sort of special event going on. But I soon grew to love it. While the campus has a stately beauty in its Greystone buildings, the downtown has its own distinct and eclectic sort of appeal. You can see this in its murals, its mixture of heritage buildings and innovative new builds, its greenspaces, its freestanding sculpture, its new and old businesses, its varied sights and smells and sounds. This is a place where life happens.
What I have loved most about being downtown, though, is the people. I get to figure out ways to make heritage, art, and education more engaging and accessible for library patrons of all ages. I get to meet individuals with a variety of lived experiences from across a variety of cultural backgrounds. I get to hear their stories. I get to learn from them, every day. I think this makes me really lucky.
The future is exciting, and I see myself in the same job, but in a new building! I am looking forward to the move to the New Central Library building, which will have a new Local History Room and new Gallery space on the top floor. I would like to see Local History and The Gallery become must-visit spaces for anyone looking for something to do (for free!) in downtown Saskatoon. There is so much to explore in the library right now, and in the new library there will be even more! We encourage anyone interested in learning more about the new library to visit https://saskatooncentrallibrary.ca/.
In my off-work hours, my favorite thing about downtown is probably the food. I love checking out new restaurants and visiting old favorites. Honey Bun Café and Thien-Vietnam are probably my favorite spots to grab a lunch, while Bon Temps, O’Shea’s and Cathedral Social Hall all get shout outs as evening hangout spots.
Saskatoon is special to me, it is the city I grew up closest to, having come from a farm out of town. My family is all here now, and while I didn’t always plan on making Saskatoon my home, I am happy it is. This is a city where everyone can make a difference, and that inspires me each day in my work, and in my home life. That energy—that sense of possibility—is what makes Saskatoon special.
Local History Location
Frances Morrison Central Library (second level)
311 23rd St E
Saskatoon SK S7K 0J6
Mon/Thu: 10am – 9pm
Tue/Wed: 10am – 5pm
Fri: 10am – 6pm
Sat: Closed
Sunday 1pm – 5:30pm