Downtown Event + Entertainment District

The Downtown Saskatoon Business Improvement District welcomes that a proposed new Arena & Convention Facility in Saskatoon should be built Downtown.
  • Centrally Located | Downtown offers the most ways in and out. With the enhanced service of Bus Rapid Transit as a major theme for our future, we will have more transportation options to arrive to a Downtown destination.
  • 100+ Restaurants & Lounges | With a multitude of entertainment opportunities Downtown, traffic jams are mitigated through a variety of start and end times.
  • 13,460+ Parking Spaces | Over half are currently available publicly, many Downtown employees can access their monthly parking space while attending a concert, there are 1,860 on-street spaces, and almost 2,000 spots at Midtown Plaza.
  • 9 Hotels & 1,329 Rooms | When visiting the city for a show or a conference, proximity to venues is key.

One of the reasons Downtown Saskatoon was initially created as a Business Improvement District (then called ‘The Partnership’) was by way of the decision in the mid 1980s to build Saskatchewan Place in the north-west outskirts of the city. Downtown Saskatoon and its then members felt the arena should have been built in the Downtown district. Ever since, the Downtown Saskatoon BID has encouraged the location change at various stakeholder meetings, and has been a long-term supporter of the current facilities’ positive effects for our community and province. 

 Inform yourself with the knowledge to support positive conversations at the water cooler, kitchen table + boardroom! 

Keep up to date on the Journey to the District by visiting the City of Saskatoon for online surveys, information on in-person events, and a kit to help you host your own event + more.


October 23, 2023  Discover Saskatoon, SaskTel Centre, and Downtown Saskatoon have completed an insightful analysis… of the Shania Twain concert… Unless we upgrade and innovate, we run the risk of being overlooked by major events, artists, and organizers in favor of cities that offer state-of-the-art facilities. Discover Saskatoon’s Media Advisory + Praxis’ Economic Impact Assessment Full Report, Summary, and Visual Report
– CJWW Reports… Analysis of Impact of Shania Twain Concert, Results Point to Downtown Event Centre
– StarPhoenix Reports… Proponents Push for Downtown Saskatoon Arena; Taxpayer Group Calls for Clear Language on Financing

September 12, 2023 – DTNYXE writes letter of support regarding DEED – Revenue Instruments, after KPMG provides a study of Potential Revenue Tools AnalysesDTNYXE’s letter to Council.

September 7, 2023 Dr. Mark Rosentraub, professor of Sport Management, Center for Sport and Policy at the University of Michigan, spoke about his research of the real economic impact of event facilities.
– Rosentraub opines Saskatoon needs a new Downtown arena to stay competitive, recapping his presentation. – Saskatoon StarPhoenix op-ed, September 27, 2023
– Shaw Connect recapped the presentation in two parts. – Connect, Part 1 / Part 2
– Discover Saskatoon’s CEO, Steph Clovechok claims DEED will combine innovation & nostalgia. – Saskatoon StarPhoenix op-ed, September 19, 2023

November 16, 2022 – City Council, at a special meeting today, made the decision that if an Event Centre / Arena is to proceed, it will be at Site A – Midtown North Parking Lot. They also approved the purchase of that land. DTNYXE’s Brent Penner spoke in favour of this decision at the meeting – DTNYXE’s letter to Council.

Discover Saskatoon + Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce + NSBA, September 22/23, 2022 – Community supports Midtown Site for Saskatoon’s future Event Centre / Arena – Media Releases

DTNYXE September 21, 2022 – Downtown Saskatoon Announces Event Centre / Arena Site Preference – Media Release
“These public assembly facilities will stimulate the economy and bring renewed energy and life to Saskatoon’s Downtown. This district will be where we hold our biggest events, conferences, concerts, and sports. Before and after events, people will spill out into the surrounding businesses for a longer, enjoyable experience. This Downtown Event & Entertainment District with the Event Centre / Arena just north of Midtown is going to keep Saskatoon on the map, and boldly position our city and province to keep us moving forward,” concludes Brent Penner, Executive Director of Downtown Saskatoon.
Here’s what others are saying: Discover Saskatoon (then, Tourism Saskatoon), Saskatoon Chamber of CommerceNSBA
– CTV Reports… Downtown Saskatoon Business Organization Reveals Its Preferred Spot for Proposed Arena
– CJWW Reports… Downtown Saskatoon Endorses Midtown-Shopping Centre Location for Event Centre / Arena Entertainment District
– the StarPhoenix Reports… Downtown Saskatoon BID Supports Proposed Arena Location Across from Midtown Shopping Centre

City of Saskatoon August 29, 2022
– Council seeks public input on arena/event centre locations: artistic illustrations revealed – Media Release
– Journey to the District – City of Saskatoon’s Downtown Event & Entertainment District information webpage
– Site Selection between 5 potential sites + Map – Infographic

DTNYXE March 31, 2022 – #DEED #ItsGotToBeDowntown Video Series Launch – Media Release
– The StarPhoenix Reports… Downtown business group launches video series in support of new Saskatoon arena
– CKOM Reports… New videos to persuade residents of potential of new Saskatoon entertainment district
– CJWW Reports… Downtown Saskatoon advocates for Downtown Event + Entertainment District
– CTV Reports… Saskatoon group works toward “once in a generation” chance to revitalize Downtown
– Radio Canada rapport… Un arena et un centre evenementiel pour revitaliser le centre-ville de Saskatoon?
– CBC Reports… Downtown Saskatoon launches its promotional campaign toward the DEED

City of Saskatoon March 28, 2022 – Downtown Event and Entertainment District Advisory Group Named – Media Release

Chamber of Commerce January 5, 2022 – Chamber Creates Entertainment District Task Force

City of Saskatoon – Major Project Details: Downtown Event and Entertainment District – Info page

SaskTel Centre November 8, 2021 – Saskatoon’s Downtown Entertainment District – Infographic

TCU Place October 18, 2021 – Why A New Downtown Entertainment District? – Infographic

DTNYXE April 18 + 22, 2021 – Support for Proposed Joint-Use Facility and Downtown Entertainment District – Letter to Saskatoon City Council

DTNYXE Fall 2020 – Envisioning Saskatoon’s Future: The Case for a Downtown Entertainment District – NSBA Article

DTNYXE June 7, 2018 – Hosted a discussion with Dr. Mark Rosentraub about how sports arenas, entertainment + culture can recentralize economic activity

DTNYXE March 21, 2018 – Downtown Saskatoon welcomes the conversation of a Downtown Arena, again – Including TCU Place + SaskTel Centre New and/or Expanded Event and Convention Centre Facility Study.