City Centre and District Future Plan

City Centre and District Future Plan


City Centre and District Future Plan

City councillors are using the month of September to decide on a planning document that is designed to guide the development of the Downtown district over the next decade and more.

The city is looking to update its City Centre and District Plan from its 2013 version, an update needed to include the strategy for a new Downtown event and entertainment district. The new plan is designed to include the three anchors to Downtown’s future, a new arena, convention centre, and the new public library. Other aspects such as a potential National Urban Park, an outdoor festival site, and a potential redevelopment of Idylwyld Drive are also to be included within the updated plan.

The city also will include a plan to target 200 housing units being built per year within Downtown with a goal of 7,500 people living within the district by 2035. 

City administration is hosting an open house at The Studio in Midtown on September 17th and will make its final approval at its regular business meeting at the end of this month.